

  • Currently, there is a thin line between what is right to teach or even mention and what can get a teacher fired or what can prompt lawsuits
  • If the extreme of teaching just religion in schools was taken, the students will miss out on the whole scientific view of the world, which obviously includes the theory of evolution among other things
  • If a purely scientific view was taken, the students would remain ignorant of the world's different religions, and at a time in which the whole world is joined by the internet and international jobs, this would definitely have a detrimental effect on them in the future.
  • http://thedispersalofdarwin.wordpress.com/2010/10/15/darwin-and-evolution-in-cartoons-and-caricatures/
    Religion in Schools Video1--This video from 2007 is a debate over an allotted time for Muslims to pray at a public school
    Voluntary Prayer In School2--This video presents an example of kids choosing to pray at the beginning of the school day, on school grounds