Rules About Religion in Schools

  • Students are allowed to pray on their own time at school, as long as it does not "substantially disrupt the school's educational mission and activities". For example, students are allowed to say a blessing before a meal if they want
  • Any type of prayer, whether denominational or nondenominational or ceremonial reading from the Bible is unconstitutional
  • Moments of silence "enacted for the purpose of advancing religion" are unconstitutional but the Supreme Court has not made a decision over moments of silence in general
  • Prayers at school football games etc are unconstitutional. Even though the event is "optional", students should be able to attend without fear of religious "coercion"
  • Pretty much, no school employee may say a prayer at school or say anything advancing a certain religion or religion in general but it is ok if a student chooses to do so, so long as it does not disrupt school activities or "coercive" to other students

All from source 15.